18°C |
Wind speed: 7km/h |
Humidity: 72%


*Under 21 Years Old*

I hereby apply for Junior Membership on behalf of my dependent whose particulars and signature appear below: 

I would like my child to have signing privilege and I will be fully responsible for all charges incurred by him/her under my account. 

I understand that my dependent is bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Club along with Bye-Laws and House Rules and the Club reserves the right to revoke/withdraw the junior member card when deemed necessary.

I, the undersigned, understand that in the event of being accepted as a Junior Member shall be bound by and will abide to the Rules and Regulations along with the Bye-Laws and House Rules of the Club.

The junior membership card must be returned to the Club upon cancellation of junior privileges. 

Monthly fee of $100 per child is applicable to children age over 14 & under 21.